Annual Report 2017

Building synergies, one cause at a time.
The Synergist 2017 report


Message from the Executive Director

At The Synergist, we have a vision of a world in which we tackle societal issues in the most efficient manner possible. We seek to accelerate progress on issues by creating collaborative platforms that collectively address inefficient, fragmented and broken systems. Currently, too many systems address only in part the issues they are meant to solve, and duplication and waste is endemic.

Maternal health, dengue fever and patient engagement are all societal issues approached from different perspectives in different countries by different stakeholders. Across each of these, we are breaking down artificial and limiting boundaries. By applying a systematic approach and building efficient, digitally native ecosystems, we are able to address issues through collaboration and aggregation of other initiatives and approaches that so far have operated in isolation.

Our programmes - Patient Focused Medicine Development, Break Dengue, the Motherhood Collective Impact Programme - are not just another set of initiatives on these topics. Rather, they complement what is already in motion: efficiently bringing together all the current pieces of the puzzle and filling any gaps that may exist.

In 2017 we have further developed our co-impact model by building on its strengths (including the methodology, collaborative leadership, tools) and by applying learnings from one project across all our projects to build economies of scale. Combined, this has helped us develop a more sustainable model to deliver real impact.

I am pleased to share our activities and results for 2017 with you. Our partners, members and volunteers have brought so much to all our programmes through their activities and support for our approach. It has truly been a collective effort. Alongside them, the team at The Synergist has worked extremely hard to bring our vision to life, overcoming development challenges and navigating very different perspectives, needs and expectations. I am immensely proud of our platforms, members and our team, who together truly reflect change and are driving meaningful action on essential societal issues.

Nicholas Brooke,

CEO The Synergist

Our partners

They made all this possible

A total of 43 partners have decided to join forces to support and push forward our initiatives. This represents a major change in philosophy that has already started generating significant output on all projects. Our corporate partners especially are getting out of the competitive mode in order to have a positive societal impact and operate in a positive societal environment. We believe the full benefits of co-creation and collaboration are yet to be seen.


Meaningful numbers

2 new projects


new projects

9 new partners


new partners, bringing us to a total of 43

1.782.500 € of funding raised

1.782.500 €

of funding raised

88 experts in our patient engagement ecosystem


experts in our patient engagement ecosystem

1.310 experts


experts in our dengue ecosystem

5.079.23 visits


visits on our projects websites

editorial pieces

editorial pieces

1 scientific publication


scientific publication



followers of our social channels



people saw our messages on social media



people actively engaged on social media


What they have to say about us

  • 'I truly believe what we’ve seen so far is many individual initiative that have really not talked to each other, that sometimes duplicated the work and here with PFMD our ultimate goal is to bring access to patients in a much more efficient way for new medicines. PFMD can bring all these stakeholders together. First of all can map all the initiatives, secondly reach a consensus what the best instruments, the best framework would be, the best tools would be to really create meaningful patient engagement. And third, it can then develop a framework that would be applicable for all stakeholders and would ultimately again lead to much much better medicines to patients."

    Tony Hoos

    Head of Medical, Amgen Europe

  • "PFMD is a transatlantic group with a global intent from the start. The mutual respect of stakeholder members and contributors is a fertile ground for co-creating tools we all need to ensure the next horizons of patient involvement in development of new therapies. I’m grateful for what the Synergist brings as experts in convening diverse stakeholders and a vision for meaningful change in the world."

    Roslyn Schneider

    Global Public Affairs Lead, Pfizer