One of the paradoxes of our age is that we collectively possess enough knowledge to solve many of our greatest challenges. The problem is that those who possess the knowledge are too often cut off from each other. The Synergist is not-for-profit organisation that acts as an incubator for the most relevant players on any given issue.
Combined knowledge and experience for superior outcomes
We bring together the stakeholders that can make a difference. These include corporations, academics, other experts, medical professionals, patients and NGOs.
Our main role is to act as incubator: we identify the right people and organisations, bring them together, provide overall strategic direction and co-ordination. In parallel we manage fundraising, communications and technical development.
- Shared Purpose
- The Synergist gathers diverse social and economic agendas together under one shared purpose
- Structure
- The Synergist provides the right structure, expertise and momentum for shared value initiatives to take seed and flourish
- People
- The Synergist brings the right people, organisations and institutions around the table
- Project Design and Operational setup
- Project Kick-off
- Implementation Connect > Share > Mobilize
- Strategy refinement or New project identified