Below we list a range of content, including reports, case studies and multimedia that showcase the best of The Synergist and the programmes we run.
Factsheet: Alliance for Maternal Health Equality
Share4Rare is born, the first social network to connect patients, caregivers and researchers of rare diseases around the globe
The Share4Rare platform has been publicly released today, 2nd April, under the slogan "Let’s make rare extraordinary". In addition to connecting families who may be living in isolation with a rare disease, Share4Rare aims to empower them to manage their condition by providing access to educational materials written by medical experts in their field.
Digital tool: Dengue Track
Online interactive tool that centralizes information about dengue outbreaks
Digital tool: Health Map
03/03/16 - Opinion on the public consultation on possible action to address the challenges of work-life balance faced by working parents and caregivers
16/02/16 - Response to the public consultation on possible action to address the challenges of work-life balance faced by working parents and caregivers
Event Report: Deliver on Maternal Rights
Alliance for Maternal Health Equality Breakfast Discussion
Manifesto: Alliance for Maternal Health Equality
Infographic: Maternal Mortality in Europe
No woman should die giving birth
Infographic: Global Estimated Cost of Dengue Fever
Read more about the global incidence of Dengue and its costs
Declaration on Universal Access to Maternal Healthcare
Survey on Pregnancy Perceptions Reveals Significant Access, Care and Information Deficiencies in Europe
Infographic: Information and Navigation, Safe Motherhood Week
Infographic: Family Planning and Relations, Safe Motherhood Week
Infographic: Work and Pregnancy, Safe Motherhood Week
Report: Safe Motherhood Week
Survey to understand the perception of pregnancy among women from a selection of 7 countries in Europe
White Paper on Collaborative Patient Engagement: Mapping the Global Landscape
A first step in co-creating an action-orientated framework for patient engagement
We should all care about dengue
Dengue is the fastest-growing vector-borne infection with estimated 390 million infections every year